Book Club
Who: All third grade GIRLS in Mrs. Hooton’s homeroom, Mrs.
Henry’s homeroom, and Ms. Scott’s homeroom
What: A fun book club that will read an interesting book
and participate in creative activities
When: 4:00-5:15 on the following Thursdays: October 24th, October 31st,
November 7th, November 14th
Where: Gilmer Elementary
Why: To gain a love for reading and make new friends
Students will need to
complete an application to attend the book club. Applications have been given to students by their teachers. If chosen to attend the book club, your child
MUST be picked up by 5:15,
and will need to be signed out in the library by an adult listed on the permission form. Transportation will not be
provided. If
an adult (that is listed on the permission form) does not arrive by 5:20 to pick up your child, your child will no longer be
permitted to attend the book club. If your child is interested in participating, please
complete the form and return it by Tuesday,
October 22nd. The student
application will also need to be turned in by Tuesday, October 22nd.