Monday, March 23, 2015

Who's Your Hero?

Details about the "Who's Your Hero?" Parade Are Listed Below!

Who Is Your Hero?
The Gilmer Elementary School library currently has several books on display about famous heroes.  When the students visit the library with their class, they are encouraged to check out one of these books to learn about positive role models. 
In correlation with this, the students are invited to choose a positive role model in their life that they would consider a hero.  (Students may choose someone they know or someone famous that they have learned about.)  After choosing their hero, they are encouraged to create a poster describing their hero.  We will have a “Who Is Your Hero?” parade on Thursday, April 2nd where students will walk throughout the school displaying their poster.  This will allow our students to learn about a variety of different role models.  Students are encouraged to be as creative as possible in creating their poster.  The most important thing is to HAVE FUN!

Details about the “Who Is Your Hero?” parade:
Who: Any student at Gilmer Elementary School
What:  Students are invited to create a poster representing their role model for a “Who Is Your Hero?” parade.  (All posters must have the hero’s name, the student’s name, an illustration or photo of the hero, and details describing why the chosen person is a hero.)
When: Students may turn in posters to the librarian from now until April 2nd
Where: Gilmer Elementary School
Why: Students will learn about numerous positive role models and the attributes that a true hero possesses.