Monday, April 28, 2014

Children's Book Week

Children’s Book Week

Gilmer Elementary School has some exciting things planned for Children’s Book Week during the week of May 12th-16th.  Our events include:
-Our annual Scholastic BOGO Book Fair
-Family Night at the BOGO Book Fair (Please bring a nonperishable food item to donate to the East Texas Food Bank.)  You can enter a raffle to win a basket full of books!
-An “Unusual Reading Spot” Contest
-A Book Float Parade

Scholastic BOGO Book Fair and Family Night: Each class will have an opportunity to visit the book fair once as a class during the week of May 12th-16th.  On Friday, May 16th, students will have an opportunity to visit the book fair individually.  The book fair hours will be from 9:00-2:00 Monday-Thursday.  On Friday, the hours will be from 8:30-12:00.  Parents will not be permitted to shop at the Book Fair during school hours.  We will have a Family Night on Thursday, May 15th from 4:30-6:30.  Please bring a nonperishable food item to donate to the East Texas Food Bank during Family Night.  When you donate a nonperishable food item to the East Texas Food Bank in Tyler, your name will be entered into a drawing to win a basket full of books!

-An “Unusual Reading Spot” Contest:  The Gilmer Elementary School library will have an “Unusual Reading Spot” contest.  Help your child find an unusual spot to read a great book.  Students might be found reading on a tractor, in a dugout, in a tent, or any place imaginable!  Each photo should show students visible reading a book.  (See examples below.)  The winners will have their photos enlarged to 8”x10” photos which will be displayed in our G.E.S. library.  Prizes will be given to winners!

Who: Any student attending Gilmer Elementary School (One entry per student.)

When: Pictures can be submitted from May 5th-May 13th.  Voting will be held on May 16th

How: Participating students must submit a 4x6 photo print of their contest entry between May 5th-May 13th.  Students must bring these submissions to Mrs. Reneau in the library.  Please complete a participation form in the library and attach to your contest entry picture.  (Form is attached.)

G.E.S. Unusual Reading Spot Contest

Student name ______________________________________________

Grade _______________  Teacher _____________________________

Parent Name ______________________________________________

Parent Phone Number _______________________________________

Parent Signature ____________________________________________

Title of Photo Entry: __________________________________________________________

How did you think of the idea for your photo entry?

Buckeye Book Float Parade:  Students will read a book of their choice and create a “book float.” This “book float” will be created using a shoe box and various other materials.  (Be creative!)  Students will decorate the shoe box to go with the book and it will be a float in our school book parade held on Thursday, May 15th at 8:30.  Only students and faculty will attend the parade.  Prizes will be given to the “Most Creative” floats in each grade!
Directions for Creating a Book Float:

Choose a book of your choice to read.  Gather a shoe box and materials that represent that book to use on your float. 

Decide what color(s) you want your float to be.
Cover the outside of the shoe box with colored paper, foil, gift wrap, Sunday comics, brown grocery bag paper -- or paint the box. Do not cover the inside of the box (it will not be visible). Cover the entire lid.

Turn the shoebox upside-down. This will be the base of your float. Attach the lid of the shoebox to the end of the upside-down box (this will form a backdrop for your float). Glue, staple or tape the lid in place.

Decorate your float! Arrange the items on your float. Glue them in place. 

Use markers or paint to write the title of your chosen book and the author’s name on the side of the float.

Book Float directions retrieved from

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